Friday, August 15, 2008


So many words, never make it out.
Caught in between my heart and mind, stuck in throat, passages of what if, and maybe then, and who am i too? Ive got to, have to , must to SPEAK. this time.

Thursday, August 14, 2008


There is no more hoped arrival of forrest green volvo ,
For more lets get coffee, how are you, dream with me meetings.
You are gone now
Rocky mountain destination,
far away,
where foothills and mountains are your backyard.
You flit,
flew away.
Scourning the city you left behind
kicking its dust off your heels.
I attempt to recall what I thought I knew of you,
and who you were in the face of the city.
In which i stay. stand.
Hikes, and coffee shops
rivers and mountain tops.
An Earthy. A shallow knowing.
Fragrant of soils and loam ,
truth and reason,
laughter and the autumn season.

Night LIfe

driving around Richmond
its one am in the morning
in search of something to eat
supposedly driven by the hunger of a skipped dinner
driving down streets
as the lights roll over the windshield
displaying signs for false nurture
staring at the faces of people on the street
wondering what stories lie behind those eyes
i am hungry for you God
i am craving you
yet i dont know how to articulate this yearning
so i drive
wait the village cafe.... no closed their kitchen early tonight
back in the car
as i drive around
and around
morning begins
and i have returned here
in the silence of my heart
exactly what i have been running from
frustrated by the pursuit of the futile
wounded from the pain of unfufilled desire
tears have become my food
so i sleep
my only consolance
maybe as i dream
i would meet YOU .

Nebeneinander (James Joyce's Missed Connection)

From 7 to 9pm you sat,
Coffee, 2 magazines, one black book,
glasses noted,
title of book unnoted.
You have a name, I heard, Alex,
yes a female barista spoke towards you with familiarity.
I , with friend, near, .......nebeneinander>
reading distractedly,
thoughts of knowledge.sit.swirl upon my mind.
Eyes alighted.
Ive known you before, yes?
I think through my eyes.